Monday, 28 May 2012

Landan Townnnn

I'm off to london on monday.... woooosh..... i am super excited...

But wait I hope I don't get pulled over to the side by immigration for owing money.... LOL.... Nevuuuur

You see what Nigeria has turned me into.. I am actually looking forward to going to london.. London that I used to look upon with disgust... Situation don make crayfish bend....

I cant wait to go to hollister just to gaze upon the beauty of te male staff and maybe get a pair of jeans -_-, but mostly to gaze...

My Dad is the most wonderful man in the world. He just randomly suggested it. I think I am being rewarded by God for being such a sport because i secretly wanted to go but couldn't ask...

*hugs self*

You know that feeling you get when you are about to do something you shouldnt but you will anyway ------> Summary of my non-existent love life at the moment

And Lekan if you read this, You are a Loser :-p.. Just because I said so, and as I am the captain of the cruise ship, it must be true.

1 comment:

  1. Haha!!! You obviously know that I would read it, yes you are the captain. Aye aye Ma, and I'm the ordinary seaman. Have loads of fun, and I expect to read how your trip went.
    I'm grinning with envy, summer came early for you.
    He who laughs last, laughs best. Hehehe
