Monday, 28 May 2012

Landan Townnnn

I'm off to london on monday.... woooosh..... i am super excited...

But wait I hope I don't get pulled over to the side by immigration for owing money.... LOL.... Nevuuuur

You see what Nigeria has turned me into.. I am actually looking forward to going to london.. London that I used to look upon with disgust... Situation don make crayfish bend....

I cant wait to go to hollister just to gaze upon the beauty of te male staff and maybe get a pair of jeans -_-, but mostly to gaze...

My Dad is the most wonderful man in the world. He just randomly suggested it. I think I am being rewarded by God for being such a sport because i secretly wanted to go but couldn't ask...

*hugs self*

You know that feeling you get when you are about to do something you shouldnt but you will anyway ------> Summary of my non-existent love life at the moment

And Lekan if you read this, You are a Loser :-p.. Just because I said so, and as I am the captain of the cruise ship, it must be true.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

A few Articles i felt were quite interesting...

I stumbled on this website today. www. * hugs self*

here are a few articles i found really interesting

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


What is in a name?

Moving on swiftly

Colorful Wedges = Slutty Girls, It is sad my mind has registered it this way. :-(, Lagos Girls are always doing the most when it comes to trends. Now with their ascrambo ways they have managed to kill wedges for me. Went on Asos now to order a very nice pair but I just could not do it. BITCHES....

In other news, i am dressing nicer to the office, all of a sudden I can be bothered, take it as practice for when I get a job at a bigger firm where the boss isn't as much of a douche, oops did i just say that oh well.....

I've been feeling a little lost on and off... What is my purpose, What if I don't achieve it? but the absolute worst is What if I am poor when I grow up?

A good friend of mine had a run in with armed robbers. I've recently learnt the power of praying for others so i have been saying a little prayer for him everyday. I've started saying a prayer for my friends that need it to be honest.

May 6th 2012- The day I spoke in tongues. I cant even explain how I felt. I just kept crying. and not the cute type of crying. I had mucus running down my nose but I felt God like I have never felt him before. It was great. Now I find myself more conscious of what i have been asked to do, which is be an ambassador. * sigh* This is going to be hard but all worth it. :-)

Friday, 4 May 2012

The Kiss

I woke up this morning, to a very beautiful message from the wrong person. Why is life like this? Why can't you like who likes you as opposed to who you know is attracted to you but isn't interested in anything serious? He keeps replaying our kiss (I forgot about it the next day)but I keep replaying another one. Actually I lie, replaying is a stretch, I thought about it for like 3 days then forgot, but still 3 whole days, I think for me that is serious replaying.. My attention span when it comes to boys is too poor.. I don't want to be a whore *weeps* LoooooL.. That being said... this is my blog of the moment... hilarious....