Saturday, 23 March 2013

Bella Naija i am angry with you

So i know bella naija isn't exactly known for it's well researched and political stories and that is fine. They are a lifestyle website. All fine and dandy buuuuuuuuttttt when did they become home wreckers?????? I go on there and find a feature on my ex-crush from my last post. I am happy but also sad that i have to share his amazing voice with the world. And if you haven't figured this is a delusional rant. Loool. I am happy for him. Good music should be appreciated. Sigh.. That being sAid i am still on a quest to find the one, who isn't necessarily THE ONE, who will write me a love letter or a song. Don't all rush and come at me at one now

On Vanity

This post has been sitting in my draft for almost 6 months!!!!!! Too poor  . So the first 3 lines is a condensed version of the original post then i shall just go back to rambling
On Vanity

One of my favorite sayings is 'I'm so pretty and witty and gay', it is from the play West Side Story.... I love Plays.... Okay so when i started this post i was in a bad place. I say bad place because vanity is such a horrible thing. I left it sitting in my draft and coming back to it i realise i have changed. I still like to look pretty but not because i want other people to say i look nice but because I want to look nice for myself. Okay moving on...

I have started wearing heels to church. Whoop whoop. And i like it. My dream of becoming a Lagos IT girl may still happen.

Anyway back to vanity.

Too many Lagos girls are all vanity and no substance. It is so sad. I am glad i took a step back to re-evaluate. That being said change is not easy. It is when you decide not to be that girl who dates randomly that guys from your past start paying attention, but the devil is a LIAR.

Oooer speaking of church i had a crush on this guy in my church for about 2 sundays ( what can i say, old habits die hard). He isn't even my usual type but boy can he sing. I fell in love when i watched him perform at  some thing i went to with a friend. Of which said friend had just broken up with his girlfriend, i don't know why he wanted to go to a valentines day open mic thing. I would have been at home crying. Men are such strange creatures. Anyway the moral of the story is i had a new crush, albeit for a short while and it felt might good. 


Yah.... Moving on from the it has been a while blah blah......

This blogger is stupid. Why can't i follow blogs on wordpress? And then they talk about it being a global village.... Pah!

Work has been crazy. Some days i wake up and for the whole day i am thinking " i don't want to do this anymore" and on other days i think " i could do this forever" . I am going to skip all the nonsense about my douchebag head of litigation. Let us just say we don't get along because I think he is not a nice person.

Now that i have reset my password will definitely blog more..

I am such a hermit. I really cannot be asked to go out and socialise anymore. That is how husband will pass me by now. My mother will most probably feel it more than i would. She has been hinting seriously that i need a boyfriend at least. Example of a recent conversation

Me: noooooooo you are going to the overs for a month. Whyyyyyy? I am going to be so lonely

Mum: you see if you had a boyfriend now you could have gone there for a while

Me: surely that is medicine after death

Mum: i am just telling you what could have happened

Me: flounces off

No but really i am going to be so bored alone.